莫耶斯对西汉姆的评语 失望的表现未能迎来蓝军的奇迹_英超直播
09-23 12:23
23rd September - West Ham suffered a dismal 0-3 home defeat against Chelsea in the Premier League. Former West Ham manager, David Moyes, criticized the team's performance after the match.
Moyes stepped down as West Ham manager this summer and the club invested €144 million in new signings, yet the team is now in a desperate situation with three consecutive home defeats.
Before the 0-3 loss to Chelsea, West Ham had a good record against the Blues, with 6 wins, 2 draws, and 2 losses in their previous 10 home matches. Therefore, Moyes criticized the team's performance and said, "I think West Ham played terribly and they will be very disappointed with it."
"Because in recent years, our record against Chelsea at home has been good. We have faced some difficulties at Stamford Bridge, but at home, our results against Chelsea have always been good."
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