10-28 14:23
With another impressive performance from Nicolas Claxton, the Brooklyn Nets secured a 115-102 victory over the Milwaukee Bucks in a regular season game today. After the game, Nets head coach, Holdi Fernández, spoke to the media about Claxton's exceptional showing.
Fernández expressed his satisfaction with Claxton's performance and praised his defensive skills, calling him one of the best defensive players in the NBA, or perhaps even the best. He mentioned that Claxton himself had acknowledged the need to improve after the previous game against the Orlando Magic, and that his display today was exactly what they had hoped for. Fernández emphasized the importance of motivating Claxton to set high standards and meet the team's expectations.
The coach further highlighted Claxton's leadership qualities, emphasizing his role as a cornerstone of their defense and his consistent communication on the court. Fernández expressed his delight in seeing Claxton perform at such a high level.
In today's game, Claxton played for 22 minutes, making 5 out of 6 attempts and contributing with 10 points, 11 rebounds, 1 assist, and 2 blocks.
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